Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Want To Earn Money? Be Careful

If you want to develop
and settled in your business,
Not only in business,
but in general also, it's not good
to argue with others.
" A man only learns
in two ways, one by reading,
and the other by association
with smarter people. "
So you participate in DISCUSSIONS
with people to gain knowledge.
It's good for you, but
the discussion should not lead
to an argument. Be careful.
Such arguments affect your
good relationships with friends and neighbors.
And create obstacles for your development.
So if you want financial contacts
with people, take care to maintain
good relationships with them first.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Tips To Earn Money Successfully

These tips are very important to get
success in any field you work.

1. Effective Communications
Whatever ideas you have in your mind, you should
be able to express it in an effective manner.

2. Improved Human Relations
Human relations are very sensitive. You should be very
careful to have long time relationships.

3. Believe.
Some people can never believe anyone, not even
themselves. That's not good.

So if you follow these tips, you will get success in your job or business.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Earn Money In Business

Except some illegal activities like smuggling, robbery,
every other work you do to earn money is just great.
Working people get respect in society.
So never feel shy or insult to do any little work.
Any job is better than no job.
Don't wait till you get a higher post or higher official position.
You can start from low level.
Things can't done in one night.
You can earn millions of dollars in business also as I told you before.
But remember, BUSINESS is different from CHEATING. Yes.
There is a slight difference in between these two.
Earning a 10% profit is business. Earning a 50% profit is cheating.
So any work you do without cheating others is always great.
Be honest. And enjoy your earnings.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Time Is Money

The idea of "Investing" time works great to achieve financial freedom.
Have control over sleep.
Be active always. Work hard.
Lazy people can't earn money.
The number of hours to sleep should be according to your age.
Don't become a slave to sleep.
Too much rest is not needed for you.
If you sleep more, you will lose your precious time.
Time management is very important.
There's nothing wrong with "spending" your free time to take rest,
but I suggest you to "invest" it completely in earning money.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Valuable Than Gold ?

This tip, now I am going to tell you,
works better mostly for people who do business.
To be honest and good is more important in your business.
You will come to know this by your experience.
Your customer is your God.
You must receive him politely, with a smile on your face always.
You may be the owner of gold shop, doesn't matter.
If you insult people that you have valuable jeweleries in your shop,
nobody buy those products even if it is gold that you are selling.
It is your SMILE more valuable than gold.
You should welcome your customer obediently.
To be successful in any business, to get unlimited profits,
not only the quality of products you need
but also you could be able to attract your customers with your smile.
Meanwhile you should be honest, good and sincere to your customers.
If you follow these tips,
you can earn a profit of even a $100 easily by investing just a $10.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Money Floods

Sea has a infinite number of water drops in it.
You can never count them.
A single drop doesn't matter.
but when those drops united, it's a big stream.
It's powerful.
This is the best example to SAVE MONEY.
Add a penny to another for a big stream of money.
If you want to be respected as a rich person,
remember, saving money is more important
than earning money.
Whatever may be the money needs you have,
never forget to save a little of it.
Some how you manage to reduce your expenses.
Try to save money every month.
And that should be in this ratio.....
If you can manage $100
in your savings account for this month,
save $150 the next month,
then $200 the third month, and so on.
Like this you estimate your savings for this year.
And that should be doubled for the next year.
If you follow this method,
I am sure, you become rich in your future.
The saving should be a big amount.
If you save a $10 this month, and a $15
the second month, and think that's a development,
you are wrong.
Meanwhile if your earnings is equals to your expenses,
you can never become a rich person,
even if you earn a million dollars.
What do you say?

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Is Life Without Money Meaningless?

Money gives a person strength. It's true.
But if you don't have money, never be worried.
Money is not everything in life.
It's just an important need in life.
We should be more courageous when we don't have money.
You should concentrate on how to earn money.
You should search the ways to earn money.
Then only you can get the solution for it.
If you become nervous and get disappointed,
the situations turn even tough.
Your financial troubles increase.
Meanwhile you should control your temper.
So when you have no money,
don't stay thinking of your troubles,
but try to earn money to solve those issues.
Then automatically you will get rid of your financial troubles.
Thus you can achieve financial freedom following these simple instructions.
So never be worried that life without money is useless,
but try to earn money so that you can lead a better life.

Vitamin 'M'

Money is like a vitamin to a man.
Even a healthy person looks very dull, inactive when he has no money.
Where as a rich person, looks active, happy, smiling always even he has ill health.
So money makes a person happy.
He can smile, be active and make others smile when he has money.
Thus money has that vitamins which are not in medicine.
That's why I tell you to have a goal of earning money always.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Money Earns Money!!!

If you have a $10 today,
you can invest it in your business
and cleverly you can earn a $2 or 3 in profit.
Then you can invest the initial amount $10 plus profit $2
in your business and earn upto $20.
This way, with a $10 you can earn upto $100.
$10 is just an example. Ok?
Suppose If you have a $100 today,
if you start your business investing it,
you can earn upto $1000 easily.
Then with this $1000, upto $10,000,
then investing it upto $1,00,000 easily.
That's why I said, if you could earn a lack,
earning one crore is very easy.
That means money earns money.
If you have money, with that you can earn more money.
Like 1 + 1 = 2.
But you must have some amount to start a business as investment.
Without investment you can't.
Like 0 + 0 = 0.

Want To Own A Car?

If you want your own car in future,
be ready to labor work today. Then, Is it possible to own a car?
if I am a labor today? No, I just gave an example. That's it.
If you work as a labor in your field today,
then in your future you will surely own not only a car but your own plane also.
Ok. Then if I work hard and earned 1 lack,
how to earn the remaining 99 lacks easily?
That's what we are going to discuss about now.

It's Very Easy To Earn 1 Crore, But The First 1 Lakh...? Very Difficult

If you can earn one lakh, it's very easy to earn the remaining 99 lakhs. Oh yes! It's true. It's not a wonder. Those who became millionaires with their hard work, earned upto 1 lakh working very hard, but the remaining 99 lakhs they earned very easily. It's a proven fact in Economy. Never think that you have a hard work today. Think of tomorrow's happiness. Economics strategy - just make an improvement, and development automatically follows, But it's very difficult to show the improvement, it can be possible with a hard work.