Monday, September 7, 2009

Valuable Than Gold ?

This tip, now I am going to tell you,
works better mostly for people who do business.
To be honest and good is more important in your business.
You will come to know this by your experience.
Your customer is your God.
You must receive him politely, with a smile on your face always.
You may be the owner of gold shop, doesn't matter.
If you insult people that you have valuable jeweleries in your shop,
nobody buy those products even if it is gold that you are selling.
It is your SMILE more valuable than gold.
You should welcome your customer obediently.
To be successful in any business, to get unlimited profits,
not only the quality of products you need
but also you could be able to attract your customers with your smile.
Meanwhile you should be honest, good and sincere to your customers.
If you follow these tips,
you can earn a profit of even a $100 easily by investing just a $10.

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